Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.24412/2070-075x-2022-1-101-110
Popis: В данной статье представлены новые специальности, которые может получить абитуриент в высших учебных заведениях культуры и искусства. Большинство из данных специальностей до недавнего времени были футуристическими, однако пандемия COVID-19 выявила острую необходимость в подготовке специалистов в тех областях, которые ранее не являлись цифровизированными. В связи с увеличением спроса на специальности IT-технологий можно спрогнозировать снижение бюджетных мест в творческих учебных заведениях. Именно цифровизация рынка труда вносит специфику в образовательный процесс высших учебных заведений сферы культуры и искусств.
This article presents new specialties that an applicant can learn in higher educational institutions of culture and art. Most of these specialties were futuristic until recently, but the COVID-19 pandemic revealed an urgent need for training specialists in areas that were not previously digitalized. Due to the increasing demand for IT specialties, it is possible to predict a decrease in budget places in creative educational institutions. It is the digitalization of the labor market that brings specifics to the educational process of higher educational institutions in the field of culture and arts. The object of this research is the process of digitalization of higher education. The focus is gamification as a mechanism of education digitalization. The aim of this article is to substantiate the digitalization of training in the field of culture and art through gamification. To achieve the aim, the author sets the following objectives: to identify the current trends of the labor market in the field of culture and art; to characterize a number of specialties in the areas of higher education in creative universities; to consider gamification as a mechanism of digitalization of creative personnel training. When writing the article, the author used the method of comparative analysis in the study of modern labor market demands, as well as the method of observing the educational process in the field of culture and art. As part of this study, the author touches on key areas of training that may be changed in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the development of such areas of training as “musical and instrumental art” or “choreographic art” requires an even more detailed analysis. Today, the increase in the economic growth of the Russian Federation directly depends on the successful digitalization of the labor market. Based on this, the author assumes that in the near future the demand for specialists in IT will sharply increase, and, as a result, applicants will choose educational institutions of technical and engineering profile. However, thanks to the campaign of the state concept for the development of creative industries, universities of culture and arts will be in demand.
Databáze: OpenAIRE