Enhancement of microbeam x-ray fluorescence analysis using monolithic polycapillary focusing optics

Autor: D. A. Carpenter, W. M. Gibson, Qi-Fan Xiao, Ning Gao, I. Yu. Ponomarev
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Applied Physics Letters. 71:3441-3443
ISSN: 1077-3118
DOI: 10.1063/1.120360
Popis: A monolithic polycapillary focusing optic was tested in the microbeam x-ray fluorescence system at the Oak Ridge Center for Manufacturing Technology. The optic was designed to cover a wide energy range from 4 keV to 20 keV. The focal spot size of the output beam at 17.4 keV (Mo Kα) was measured to be 21 μm full width of half maximum. An average beam intensity of 1.5×105 photon/s/μm2 was obtained at the focus for Mo Kα line using a 12 W microfocus x-ray source. This intensity is about 2400 times over that of a direct beam at 100 mm away from the x-ray source. The small, intense x-ray beam obtained was used to analyze and map the compositions of different elements in industrial samples.
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