Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Erythropoietin and Erythropoiesis

Autor: Ivan N. Rich
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Erythropoietin and Erythropoiesis
Popis: Preface.- Acknowledgements.- Abbreviations.- Session 1 Molecular Biology of Erythropoiesis and Erythropoietin.- The Molecular Biology of Erythropoietin and the Expression of its Gene.- The Molecular Biology of Erythropoietin.- Analysis of Erythroid Cell-Specific Gene Expression.- The Role of Oxygen Tension in the Regulation of Protein Synthesis in Erythroid Cells.- Erythropoietin Production and Erythropoietin Receptors on Murine Erythroleukemic Cell Lines.- The Purification of Spleen CFU-E and its Applications in the Study of In Vitro Erythropoiesis.- Use of Purified Erythropoietin Responsive Cells Produced by the Anemia Strain of Friend Virus to Study the Action of Erythropoietin.- Retroviral Vectors for Gene Transfer and Expression in Haematopoietic Cells.- Summary of Round Table Discussion to Session 1.- Session 2 Cellular Interactions and Signals during Erythropoietic Ontogeny.- Respective Roles of Programme and Differentiation Factors during Hemoglobin Switching in the Embryo.- Cellular Interactions and/or Random Differentiation for the Formation of Erythroid Cells in the Early Chick Embryo.- Divergence of Erythroid Restricted Precursors from Haemopoietic Stem Cells during Early Ontogeny.- Some Endocrine Aspects of Renal and Extrarenal Erythropoietin in Normoxic and Hypoxic Rats.- Perturbation of Erythropoiesis during the Period of Early Anemia. A Model for Studying the Regulation of Erythropoiesis in the Neonatal Mammal.- The Cellular Basis of Developmental Changes in Haemoglobin Synthesis.- Summary of Round Table Discussion to Session 2.- Session 3 Cellular Interactions and Signals during Adult Erythropoiesis.- Cell to Cell Interaction in Erythropoiesis: The Role of the Thymus.- Erythropoiesis and Macrophage Subsets in Medullary and Extramedullary Sites.- Studies on the Interaction between Murine Resident Bone Marrow Macrophages and Haematopoietic Cells.- Monocyte-Macrophage Mediated Suppression of Erythropoiesis in Renal Anemia.- Erythropoietin Production by Macrophages: Cellular Response to Physiological Oxygen Tensions and Detection of Erythropoietin Gene Expression by In Situ Hybridization.- Chemoreception of Oxygen in the Kidney and Erythropoietin Production.- Renal Biogenesis of Erythropoietin.- Enhanced Erythropoietic Response to Hypobaria in Hypertransfused, Post-Hypoxic, Post-Anemic or Testosterone-Treated Polycythemic Rodents.- The Use of Two-Phase Systems for the Fractionation of Heterogeneous Populations of Bone Marrow Cells and Erythrocytes: Bisphosphoglycerate Mutase as an Enzyme Marker for Erythroid Cells.- Summary of Round Table Discussion to Session 3.- Session 4 Assay of Erythropoietin.- Review.- The Estimation of Erythropoietin (Epo): Principles, Problems and Progress.- The Use of 125I Recombinant DNA Derived Human Erythropoign (R-HuEPO) as a Replacement for 125I Human Urinary Epo as Tracer Antigen in a Radioimmunoassay for Human Epo.- Development of a Radioimmunoassay for Erythropoietin Using Recombinant Erythropoietin-Derived Reagents.- Isolation of Anti-Erythropoietin by Automated Immuno-Affinity FPLC using Recombinant EPO.- The Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Estimation of Bioactive Erythropoietin in Serum using the Mouse Spleen Cell Assay.- Standards for the Assay of Erythropoietin.- Summary of Round Table Discussion to Session 4.- Contributors.
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