Development of the Gulfstream Quiet Spike TM for Sonic Boom Minimization

Autor: Donald Freund, Frank Simmons, Donald C. Howe
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2008-124
Popis: The Gulfstream Quiet Spike is a telescoping forward fuselage extension that alters the bow shock of the classic N-wave pressure signature generated by aircraft traveling at supersonic speeds. The bow shock is broken up into sequence of weak shocks that propagate parallel to each other without coalescing. The resulting rise time to peak overpressure in the ground signature is increased from two or three milliseconds to thirty or forty milliseconds, significantly reducing the loudness. The development history of the Quiet Spike concept is traced from initial conception up to the design of a flight test configuration. Early aerodynamic and structural tests matured the concept from one viewed with skepticism to one deemed possible. These tests and the subsequent development of an aerodynamic configuration that could be installed on an F-15B test aircraft are summarized and the objectives of the flight test program are discussed.
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