Insights on mauritiana-like elements diversity in Mayetiola destructor and M. hordei (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

Autor: Wiem Ben Amara, Salma Djebbi, Maha Mezghani, Chahnez Naccache, Wafa Ben Lazhar-Ajroud
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Genome. 65:165-181
ISSN: 1480-3321
DOI: 10.1139/gen-2021-0020
Popis: Mariner-like elements (MLEs) are class II transposons belonging to the Tc1-mariner family that have successfully invaded many insect genomes. In the current study, the availability of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, genome has enabled us to perform in silico analysis of MLEs using a previously described mariner element (Desmar1) belonging to the mauritiana subfamily. Eighteen mauritiana-like elements were detected and clustered into three main groups: Desmar1-like, MauCons1, and MauCons2. Subsequently, in vitro analysis was carried out to investigate mauritiana-like elements in M. destructor as well as in Mayetiola hordei using primers designed from TIRs of previously identified MLEs. PCR amplifications were successful, and a total of 12 and 17 mauritiana-like elements were detected in M. destructor and M. hordei, respectively. Sequence analyses of mauritiana-like elements obtained in silico and in vitro have shown that MauCons1 and MauCons2 elements share low similarity with Desmar1 ranging from 50% to 55%, suggesting that different groups under the mauritiana subfamily have invaded the genomes of M. destructor and M. hordei. These groups were likely inherited by vertical transmission, which subsequently underwent different evolutionary histories. This work describes new mauritiana-like elements in M. destructor that are distinct from the previously discovered Desmar1 and provides the first evidence of MLEs belonging to the mauritiana subfamily in M. hordei.
Databáze: OpenAIRE