An Experimental Study of Lexical Access in the Writing and Naming of Isolated Words

Autor: Jean-Emile Gombert, Patrick Bonin, Michel Fayol
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: International Journal of Psychology. 33:269-286
ISSN: 1464-066X
DOI: 10.1080/002075998400312
Popis: Unlike speech production, lexical access in written production has not systematically been investigated experimentally. Four experiments were run on literate adults to support the view that although the spoken and written language production systems may obviously share some processing levels, they also both have some specific processing components. The general findings provide evidence for such a view and are discussed in the framework of studies in verbal production conducted on normals and on braindamaged patients. Contrairement a la production verbale orale, l'acces lexical en production verbale ecrite n'a pas ete etudie experimentalement de facon systematique. Quatre experiences ont ete conduites sur des adultes cultives afin d'etayer la conception selon laquelle les systemes de production du langage partagent des composantes de traitement mais possedent egalement des composantes de traitement specifiques. Les principaux resultats s'accordent avec une telle conception et sont discutes dans le cadre de...
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