Light Ion Accelerator Magnets

Autor: Yurin, Ilia, Dmitriyev, Maxim, Indiushnii, Evgeniy, Polozov, Sergey
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-rupac2021-wepsc21
Popis: At the moment, the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) is developing an injector for an accelerator of light ions with an energy of 7.5 MeV / nucleon. The injector uses several tens of quadrupole magnets with a magnetic field gradient of 6-18 T / m and several units of dipole magnets. Key requirements for quadrupole magnets include large aperture, compact transverse dimensions, uniform shape and design, ease of fabrication from a manufacturing standpoint, field accuracy within 0.1%, and low power consumption. This article will describe the requirements, simulation results, and preliminary designs for quadrupole and dipole magnets.
Proceedings of the 27th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, RuPAC2021, Alushta, Russia
Databáze: OpenAIRE