Fourier decomposition of LMC cepheid light curves

Autor: J. O. Petersen, G. K. Andreasen
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Stellar Pulsation ISBN: 9783540176688
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-17668-3_204
Popis: For the g a l a c t i c Cepheids Simon and Lee (1981) gave a successful , q u a n t i t a t i v e descript ion of the Her t z sp rung sequence by means of Fourier decomposi t ion pa rame te r s . They found a sys temat ic va r i a t i on wi th per iod of bo th phase d i f f e r e n c e s and ampl i tude ra t ios probably due to the n2 / r l o = 0.5 r e sonance a t a per iod n o ~9". In the p r e sen t s tudy we analyse 165 l ight cu rves of Cepheids in the Large Magel lanic Cloud t aken from Wayman e t al. (1984). The main purpose of our s tudy is to compare the Fourier descr ip t ion of the LMC sample wi th the a c c u r a t e da t a known for ga lac t i c Cephelds.
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