Fundamental Study for Predicting Ship Resistance Performance Due to Changes in Water Temperature and Salinity in Korea Straits

Autor: Jun Seok, Myung-Soo Shin, Song-Han Jin, Sung-Yong Kim, Jong-Chun Park
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology. 29:418-426
ISSN: 1225-0767
DOI: 10.5574/ksoe.2015.29.6.418
Popis: Recently, shipping operators have been making efforts to reduce the fuel cost in various ways, such as trim optimization and bulb re-design. Furthermore, IMO restricts the hydro-dioxide emissions to the environment based on the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index), EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator), and SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan). In particular, ship speed is one of the most important factors for calculating the EEDI, which is based on methods suggested by ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) or ISO (International Standardization Organization). Many shipbuilding companies in Korea have carried out speed trials around the Korea Straits. However, the conditions for these speed trials have not been exactly the same as those for model tests. Therefore, a ship’s speed is corrected by measured environmental data such as the seawater temperature, density, wind, waves, swell, drift, and rudder angle to match the conditions of the model tests. In this study, fundamental research was performed to evaluate the ship resistance performance due to changes in the water temperature and salinity, comparing the ISO method and numerical simulation. A numerical simulation of a KCS (KRISO Container ship) with a free-surface was performed using the commercial software Star-CCM+ under three conditions that were assumed based on the water temperature and salinity data in the Korea Straits. In the simulation results, the resistance increased under low water temperature & high salinity conditions, and it decreased under high water temperature & low salinity conditions. In addition, the ISO method showed the same result as the simulation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE