Predictive Control in Cognac Distillation

Autor: Patrick Raguenaud, Didier Dumur, Anne Boutillon, Christelle Rougebief, Thierry Foix, Patrick Boucher
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 32:7089-7094
ISSN: 1474-6670
Popis: Until recently, the distillation boilers at Cognac Martell were controlled manually, on the basis of a heating curve handed down by tradition to operators. A partnership with Gaz de France/Supelec made it possible to model the boiler's behaviour and to control the process. The advantages are multiple: more effective rejection of disturbances, lower consumption, and better control over heating. Experimental results have proved that predictive control laws enforce performance and seem to be very interesting and extremely stimulating.
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