Experiment 2 for kinesthesia in virtual reality, does the mirror illusion occurs when the avatar is represented by point-light display ?

Autor: Giroux, Marion
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/9x8jm
Popis: The broad aim of this study is to better understand the required visual characteristics of the avatar's forearms in order to create a unified percept of movement in virtual reality. This study will permit to determine if an avatar's forearm represented by point-light display would be enough to elicit a sensation of movement in the participants' real forearm. The specific aim of this experiment is to address a limitation of a previous study as well as to go beyond. Thus, the rationale, method and statistical analysis are very similar to the previous study. The main difference is that we use an enlightened environment instead of a dark one in order to give more spatial cues to detect the avatar's slow movements .
Databáze: OpenAIRE