Disentangling the components of equity judgments: The role of effort vs. output in assessing merit

Autor: Goudarzi, Shahrzad
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/urhqj
Popis: In modern democratic societies, one pertinent justice rule is equity (otherwise known as meritocracy). As a prescriptive justice rule, the equity principle dictates that resources and rewards should be shared according to the merits of the members—that is, in proportion to each individual’s effort, ability, output, and so on. While many studies have investigated how equity judgments affect economic behavior, typically in these studies, effort and output are not distinguished. The goal of this project is to better understand a) the role of two different indicators of merit (effort and output) in equity-based judgments and allocation decisions and b) the possible ideological differences in weighing effort vs. output when making equity judgments and decisions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE