Journalistic professionalism in Iceland: A framework for analysis and an assessment

Autor: Sigurður Kristinsson, Birgir Guðmundsson
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journalism. 20:1684-1703
ISSN: 1741-3001
DOI: 10.1177/1464884917695416
Popis: This article assesses the state of journalistic professionalism in Iceland, and puts it in the context of international trends. Based on six key aspects of the image of professionalism in conjunction with a classification of professionalism into two types – occupational and organizational – a framework is suggested for understanding the status and development of journalism with respect to its aspirations and discourse concerning professionalism. The case of Icelandic journalism is examined through this approach. The occupational group of Icelandic journalists is faced with an on-going negotiation between occupational/internal professionalism and organizational/external professionalism and it is found that occupational professionalism is struggling in Icelandic journalism while the characteristics of organizational professionalism grow stronger, in part because of commercialization and technological change.
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