A simple floating memristor emulator circuit based on current conveyors

Autor: M. A. Carrasco-Aguilar, Carlos Sánchez-López, J. Mendoza-Lopez, F. E. Morales-Lopez
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: CCE
DOI: 10.1109/iceee.2013.6676031
Popis: The main purposes of this paper is to introduce a new floating memristor emulator circuit based on positive second generation current conveyors (CCII+s). The proposed circuit is very simple, since four CCII+s, six passive elements along with one four quadrant multiplier are only used to obtain the frequency-dependent pinched hysteresis loop of the memristor in the current versus voltage plane. An analysis on the frequency behavior of the memristor is also introduced, showing that the hysteresis loop is maintained up to 20 kHz. Numerical simulations along with experimental results are given to describe the dynamic behavior of the proposed circuit. Experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis and numerical simulations.
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