The features of cord blood banking bioeconomy in Ukraine and abroad

Autor: C. M. Nasadyuk, A. V. Makhinya, S. I. Martynenko
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Cell and Organ Transplantology. 5:98-101
ISSN: 2311-021X
Popis: The paper highlights the features of cord blood stem cells banking worldwide, modern trends of development of this biomedical industry, problems and prospects. The role of the sector of public and family cord blood banks in shaping of the market of storage of human cells and tissue is considered. The data of sociological surveys in Ukraine and abroad, to evaluate the level of awareness of future parents and medical community about the value and possibilities of storage of cord blood is presented. The study revealed favorable preconditions and emphasized the social importance of creating a public cord blood bank in Ukraine in the perspective of its integration with international registries of hematopoietic stem cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE