Prediction of net energy value of feeds for growing pigs1

Autor: H. Fortune, X S Shi, Serge Dubois, Jean Noblet
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Science. 72:344-354
ISSN: 1525-3163
DOI: 10.2527/1994.722344x
Popis: Digestible (DE), metabolizable (ME), and net (NE) energy values of 61 diets were measured in 45-kg growing Large White boars. Net energy was calculated as energy retained at an average ME intake equivalent to 540 kcal/kg BW.60 plus fasting heat production estimated from data of the present experiment as 179 kcal/kg BW.60. Retained energy was measured as the difference between ME intake and heat production obtained in respiration chambers. The amounts of DE digested before the end of the ileum (DEi) and in the hindgut (DEh) were also measured for each diet. Regression equations for predicting dietary NE content from digestible nutrient levels or from DE or ME and chemical characteristics or from chemical composition only were calculated. Efficiencies of utilization of ME for NE (k, %) were also obtained. The mean k value for the 61 diets was 74% (range: 69 to 77). Digestible nutrients were used differently for NE: k values varied from approximately 60% for digestible CP or digestible cell wall fractions to 82% for starch and 90% for digestible ether extract. Accordingly, k for ME associated with DEh was lower than ME from DEi (58 vs 76%). Equations for predicting NE content are proposed. Their applicability, the comparison with other available NE prediction equations, and the effects of energy system on diet formulation are discussed.
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