Quality Status, Appropriate Monitoring and Legislation of the North Sea in Relation to its Assimilative Capacity

Autor: A. R. D. Stebbing, R. Willows
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management ISBN: 9783642642593
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-60103-3_9
Popis: The North Sea is one of the most heavily polluted marginal seas on earth (Degens 1988), and used to be one of the most biologically productive. The problems have been slowly recognized and the eight North Sea states are committed to “… the principle of safeguarding the marine ecosystem of the North Sea” (Ministerial Declaration 1987), and regular Ministerial Declarations set out agreed measures to achieve these ends. The Quality Status Reports provide the scientific basis for the Ministerial Declarations, and with associated research programmes (see Quality Status Reports for the North Sea 1987, 1990, 1993), demonstrate that the North Sea is also one of the most intensely studied and monitored in the world. The example must therefore provide an instructive case study for those enclosed seas where the need to achieve a sustainable environment may be in conflict with the economic growth of bordering states.
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