Determination of the optimum gray-scale luminance ramp function for antialiasing

Autor: Alan R. Jacobsen
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.19669
Popis: Determination of the optimum gray-scale luminance ramp function for anti-aliasingAlan R. JacobsenBoeing Commercial AirplanesP.O. Box 3707, MS: 6N-94Seattle, WA 98 124-2207INTRODUCTIONOne of the biggest challenges confronting color matrix display (CMD) image quality is the presenceof spatial quantization or aliasing artifacts that manifest themselves as stair-steps, roping, and/ortessellations. A considerable amount of research has been carried out investigating techniques,frequently referred to as anti-aliasing algorithms, which attempt to minimize the appearance of theseannoying artifacts through the use of gray-scale. While some of this work has focused on theminimum number of gray levels sufficient for yielding acceptable image quality in CMDs, little, if anyempirical research has been done on determining the optimum luminance interval or ramp function touse for gray-scale anti-aliasing algorithms in these displays.An understanding of aliasing artifacts and anti-aliasing algorithms requires a thorough comprehensionof what constitutes display resolution, an often misused and misunderstood term. There are at leasteight or nine different definitions of resolution that appear in the display and hence aprecise definition of resolution is necessary in any discussion of display image quality. Virgin2
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