Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Bismuth. II. Vacancy Effect

Autor: Masayuki Momiuchi, Shuichi Otake, Naoshi Matsuno
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 50:2851-2854
ISSN: 1347-4073
Popis: The magnetic susceptibility of bismuth has been measured at temperatures from 450 K to 550 K through the melting point (544 K). Considering the local level into the T-point band gap of the Brillouin zone due to thermally generated vacancies and the increase of hole concentration, we have explained the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility at higher temperatures. The local states lie at 0.28 eV above the Fermi level, and the thermal excitation of valence band electrons to the local states would produce the additional holes, whose number is estimated about 6 ×10 17 cm -3 at the melting point (544 K).
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