The Multipliers and Key Sectors of Entrepreneurship Spillover: An Input-Output Approach

Autor: José Luis Massón-Guerra
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
Popis: The Entrepreneurship Spillover evaluates the systemic effect of creating enterprises in different sectors and industries from a new firm created in a given sector. One way to estimate these Entrepreneurship Spillovers is doing an adaptation of the methodology applied by Dietzenbacher, (2002); Dietzenbacher and Los, (2002a,b) Diezenbacher and Volkerink (1998) that they used to determinate the Knowledge Spillover through RD (b) to identify the key sectors of entrepreneurship; and (c) to determinate the multipliers of business creation. With these aims, the methodological design is based on an adaptation of the model of input-output matrix (Leontief, 1936; Dietzenbacher and Los, 2002 a y b).
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