Features of Robotic Automation of Auxiliary Processes of Enterprises in the Electrical and Electronic Industry during the Pandemic

Autor: Yelizaveta Semenenko, Diana Kogan, Anton B. Zhernakov, Mariia A. Kossukhina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus).
Popis: In a pandemic, the need to automate supporting business processes is increasing. However, enterprises of the electromechanical and electronic industry of the Russian Federation are usually large, are part of holdings and corporations, which significantly increases the complexity and duration of the implementation of automation of auxiliary activities. The solution to the problem can be robotic process automation (RPA) technology, as it is faster in terms of implementation time and cheaper than automation.The article considers the features of robotic automation of auxiliary processes in the activities of enterprises of the Electromechanical and electronic industries of the Russian Federation, proposes the stages of the project for the implementation of robotization considering these features. The factors influencing the successful robotization are determined and recommendations are given for its implementation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE