Cardiovascular and sedation reversal effects of intramuscular administration of atipamezole in dogs treated with medetomidine hydrochloride with or without the peripheral α2-adrenoceptor antagonist vatinoxan hydrochloride

Autor: Juhana Honkavaara, Flavia Restitutti, Katri Nevanperä, Marja Raekallio, Ira Janika Kallio-Kujala, Paula Larenza Menzies, Sofia Männikkö, Heta Turunen, Heidi Hautajärvi, Magdy Adam, Outi Vainio, Mika Scheinin
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: American Journal of Veterinary Research. 80:912-922
ISSN: 0002-9645
Popis: OBJECTIVE To investigate the cardiovascular and sedation reversal effects of IM administration of atipamezole (AA) in dogs treated with medetomidine hydrochloride (MED) or MED and vatinoxan (MK-467). ANIMALS 8 purpose-bred, 2-year-old Beagles. PROCEDURES A randomized, blinded, crossover study was performed in which each dog received 2 IM treatments at a ≥ 2-week interval as follows: injection of MED (20 μg/kg) or MED mixed with 400 μg of vatinoxan/kg (MEDVAT) 30 minutes before AA (100 μg/kg). Sedation score, heart rate, mean arterial and central venous blood pressures, and cardiac output were recorded before and at various time points (up to 90 minutes) after AA. Cardiac and systemic vascular resistance indices were calculated. Venous blood samples were collected at intervals until 210 minutes after AA for drug concentration analysis. RESULTS Heart rate following MED administration was lower, compared with findings after MEDVAT administration, prior to and at ≥ 10 minutes after AA. Mean arterial blood pressure was lower with MEDVAT than with MED at 5 minutes after AA, when its nadir was detected. Overall, cardiac index was higher and systemic vascular resistance index lower, indicating better cardiovascular function, in MEDVAT-atipamezole–treated dogs. Plasma dexmedetomidine concentrations were lower and recoveries from sedation were faster and more complete after MEDVAT treatment with AA than after MED treatment with AA. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Atipamezole failed to restore heart rate and cardiac index in medetomidine-sedated dogs, and relapses into sedation were observed. Coadministration of vatinoxan with MED helped to maintain hemodynamic function and hastened the recovery from sedation after AA in dogs.
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