Neophyllobius tepoztlanensis Paredes-León & Corona-López & Flores-Palacios & Toledo-Hernández 2016, sp. nov

Autor: Paredes-León, Ricardo, Corona-López, Angélica María, Flores-Palacios, Alejandro, Toledo-Hernández, Víctor Hugo
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3853088
Popis: Neophyllobius tepoztlanensis sp. nov. A8A8CE4B-824C-40D7-A435-45A8E4401A4D Fig. 5 A–F Diagnosis This species is characterized as follows: dorsal setae reaching setae immediately behind, seta d on femur I positioned in front of l’, femur II with three setae (d, v’ and v”), femur III with two setae (d and v’), setae d on genua I–IV slightly less than half as long as tibiae I–IV respectively, dorsal seta d1 less than half as long as width of body; dorsal setae c1 as long as setae d1, setae v” on femora I–II positioned distinctly in front of v’. Etymology The specific name makes reference to the municipality Tepoztlán, where the type locality is situated. The name of the municipality derives from two words in the náhuatl language, “Tepoztecatl” (a nahua divinity) and “tlan” (beside), so its meaning is “in the company of Tepoztécatl”. Type material Holotype MEXICO: ♀, CNAC 009245, ex Tillandsia schiedeana at 2.4 m on Sapium macrocarpum. Collected from the type locality on 12 Mar. 2014, O. Cortés and R. Paredes coll. (RPL 1232). Paratypes MEXICO: 1 ♀, CIUM, ex T. hubertiana at 3.2 m on S. macrocarpum, 30 Apr. 2014 (RPL 1267); 1 ♀, CNAC 009246, ex T. hubertiana at 2.6 m on S. macrocarpum, 22 Aug. 2014, S. Gómez and R. Paredes coll. (RPL 1303). Both specimens collected from the type locality, with same data as holotype except where noted. Type locality MEXICO: Morelos, Tepoztlán, 1 km S of San Andrés de la Cal, 18.94408° N, 99.11924° W, 1478 m a.s.l. Description Female (n = 3) (Fig. 5 A–F) Holotype female (followed in parentheses by range of holotype and two paratype females). GNATHOSOMA. 68 (68–79) long and 77 (71–82) wide. Subcapitulum with subcapitular setae m 20 (20–24) and two pairs of adoral setae Or1 9 (9) and Or2 10 (8–10); these three pairs nude and slender, m longest (Fig. 5B); distance m–m 20 (20–21). Chelicerae 40 (27–40) long. Palp, five-segmented with following setal distribution: trochanter without setae; femur with two serrated setae, d 19 (17–19) and l’ 31 (27– 31); genu with one long, slender, nude dorsal (d) seta 31 (30–32); tibia with three tactile setae (l’, l” and d) and one claw (sword-like seta); tarsus with two eupathidia (acmζ and sulζ), two simple setae (ba and va) and one small solenidion (ω) (Fig. 5A). Setae elcp present. IDIOSOMA. Longer than wide, 285 (225–285) long (gnathosoma excluded), 230 (200–235) wide. Cuticle striated, except on coxae and attenuated between setal pair e1 (Fig. 5 C–D). Dorsum. With 15 pairs of serrated setae set on small tubercles; each setal pair just reaching next setal pairs (in transversal row), c2 longest and h2 shortest. Two pairs of eyes are positioned between setae sci and sce. Length of setae: vi 48 (48–53), ve 46 (46–48), sci 43 (43–50), sce 46 (46–48), pdx 46 (46–53), c1 50 (50–54), c2 63 (53–63), d1 51 (50–56), d2 40 (40–44), e1 53 (53–56), e2 46 (40–46), f1 50 (50–54), f2 30 (30–32), h1 34 (32–34), h2 28 (27–28). Distances between setae: vi–vi 40 (40–50), ve–ve 82 (64–94), vi–ve 28 (24–30), sci–sci 98 (80–110), sce–sce 130 (115–140), sci–sce 40 (34–40), c1–d1 46 (42–52), d1–d1 15 (14–15), d1–d2 70 (62–78), d1– e1 40 (38–43), ve–sci 19 (19–21), pdx–pdx 12 (11–12), pdx–c1 31 (29–31), c1–c1 15 (14–15), c1–c2 77 (70–86), c2–c2 160 (140–170), e1– e1 12 (10–12), e1–f1 42 (34– 42), f1–h1 56 (38–56), e1– e2 54 (52–62), d2– e2 34 (34–37), f1–f1 11 (9–12), f1–f2 53 (43–53), f2–f2 91 (83–94), e2–f2 50 (30–50), h1–h1 8 (8–11), h1–h2 25 (23–25), h2–h2 57 (54–57), f2–h2 42 (26–42). Venter. Coxal setae slenderer than dorsal setae. Setal pairs 1a, 3a, 4a, ag, g, ps1, ps2 and ps3 nude and short. Setae 1b, 1c, 2c, 3b, 3c, 4b and 4c serrated. Setae 1c longest and g shortest. Setal pairs 4a and ag located on individual platelets. Genito-anal valves with one pair of genital setae (g). Coxa I grouped with coxa II, and coxa III with IV but not completely fused (Fig. 5D). Length of setae: 1a 32 (27–32), 1b 22 (21–22), 1c 50 (42–50), 2c 42 (35–42), 3a 37 (34–37), 3b 30 (25–30), 3c 31 (30–31), 4a 19 (19–30), 4b 18 (14–18), 4c 20 (19–20), ag 16 (12–16), g 9 (9–12), ps1 14 (9–15), ps2 11 (10–12), ps3 12 (10–14). LEGS. Slender and long, leg IV longest. Lengths (excluding ambulacra): leg I 500 (420–510), leg II 415 (390–450), leg III 455 (417–485), leg IV 505 (470–530). Podomere lengths: femur I 160 (160–165), femur II 120 (110–130), femur III 125 (115–135), femur IV 140 (130–155), tibia I 145 (135–160), tibia II 115 (110–125), tibia III 130 (130–165), tibia IV 165 (155–175), tarsus I 59 (54–61), tarsus II 58 (56–61), tarsus III 60 (57–66), tarsus IV 66 (62–66). Leg setae as indicated in Fig. 5 E–F. Tarsus I with five setal pairs: vs serrated, tc, a, p and u slender and nude, u bifurcated at tip. Setae tc longest. Setae lengths: v’ on femur I 34 (30–34), v” on femur I 34 (30–37), l’ on femur I 38 (31–38), d on femur I 31 (30–31), dorsal seta on genu I 54 (48–54), dorsal seta on genu II 45 (39–45), dorsal seta on genu III 45 (42–47), dorsal seta on genu IV 71 (68–71). All tarsi with ambulacrum bearing a pair of claws and an empodium with two rows of tenent hairs. Counts of setae on legs I–IV, indicating additional solenidia in parenthesis: coxae: 3–1–2–2, trochanters 1–1–1–1, femora 4–3–2–2, genua 1(κ)–1(κ)–1–1, tibiae 9(φ)–8(φ)–8(φ)–7(φ), tarsi 10(ω)–10(ω)–8–8. Remarks Neophyllobius tepoztlanensis sp. nov. resembles N. marginatus De Leon, 1958 collected from an undetermined composite plant and Quercus sp. in Nayarit, Mexico. In both species, the dorsal setae on genua I–IV are short, less than half as long as tibiae I–IV; the setae on femur I are short (about a quarter of the length of the podomere). These species can be differentiated by the following characters: in N. tepoztlanensis sp. nov., dorsal setae c1 as long as setae d1, and setae v” on femora I–II positioned distinctly in front of v’. In N. marginatus, dorsal setae c1 about half as long as seta d1, and setae v’ and v” on femora I–II are positioned horizontally on nearly the same level. Ecology Neophyllobius tepoztlanensis sp. nov. is deemed to be an inhabitant of the tree canopy and was found on Tillandsia schiedeana and T. hubertiana at 2.7 m (± 0.4) on Sapium macrocarpum. Distribution This species is only known from San Andrés de la Cal, Morelos, Mexico. The type locality of N. tepoztlanensis sp. nov. is about 600 km from Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, Mexico and 660 km from Tepic, Nayarit, the two known localities of N. marginatus.
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