Influence of Vibration on Golgi Tendon Organ and Hold-Relax of PNF on Muscular Activity and Gait Factors on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Autor: Hoe Song Yang, Chan Joo Jeong, So Hui Park, Young Dae Yoo, Hyuk Jegal, Hyun Ju Jun
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research. 6:859-864
ISSN: 2092-8475
DOI: 10.5854/jiaptr.2015.10.30.859
Popis: The population can experience a uncomfortablesense or pain on their muscle after performedsudden exercise because they participate sport andleisure activity due to higher economic levelrecently(1). Among them, especially Knee injury is frequentas a result of a sudden exercise. Rehabilitativeapproach is emphasized a strength exercise to lig -ament and muscles around knee for recoveringthe function and stability(2). Muscle pain is the most common musculoskeletalsymptoms among those symptoms. It is caused bymacro trauma such as sprain, strain, and alsocaused by micro trauma as muscle injury due toexcessive exercises(3).Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness(DOMS) refers touncomfortable symptom including pain with lim -ited of motion, muscle weakness after musclestrength exercise which is not familiar for body.Especially DOMS appears after excessive eccentrictype of exercise(4). Furthermore, the symptoms ofDOMS are the stiffness sense and loss of mobility,power production, flexibility, range of motion ortenderness as palpation in junction of muscle andtendon, and more sensibility tends to relate withhigh exercise intensity(5). Specifically. DOMSinduces as a result damaged twitch fibers selec -tively due to sudden high intensity eccentric typeof exercise(6). like a putting heavy objects down,heavy force loading on muscle fiber and connec -tive tissues can make a eccentric contraction. In this process, especially frequency of DOMS ishigh when using resistance is overloading or notfamiliar on muscles(7). According to the previousresearch, due to the damage of muscle inducedeccentrically, its loss of strength is worse thanconcentric or isometric contraction(8). The musclecaused by eccentric contraction induce some phe -nomenon including muscle fiber, which is relatedwith augmented permeability and reducing powe r
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