Syn-amphibolite facies archaean lode gold mineralisation in the Mt. York District, Pilbara Block, Western Australia

Autor: John Ridley, P. Neumaryr, David I. Groves, C. D. Koning
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Mineralium Deposita. 28:457-468
ISSN: 1432-1866
Popis: The Archaean lode gold deposits in the Mt. York District, Pilbara Block, Western Australia are hosted in banded iron formation (Main Hill/Breccia Hill prospect) of the ca. 3.33 Ga Gorge Creek Group and in amphibolites (Zakanaka prospect) of the ca. 3.46 Ga Warrawoona Group. Gold mineralisation at the Main Hill/Breccia Hill prospect is associated with breccias comprising quartz clasts in a quartz-pyrrhotite matrix, and quartz-amphibole veins, with lollingite being the major host for gold. Minimum temperatures for gold mineralisation at the prospect are constrained as 455°C to 550°C by arsenopyrite thermometry. Gold mineralisation at the Zakanaka prospect is spatially associated with quartzclinopyroxene-calcite-microcline-calcic-amphibole veins and biotite altered wallrock adjacent to the veins. Temperatures for vein emplacement are estimated as 480°C to 570°C using both plagioclase-amphibole thermometry and mineral equilibria with respect to T and XCO2. The timing of gold mineralisation relative to the peak of metamorphism is constrained by mineral textures and the relative temperatures of hydrothermal alteration and metamorphism. Gold mineralisation at both deposits was broadly synchronous with the peak of regional amphibolite facies metamorphism, which reached temperatures of 520°C to 640°C based on amphibole-plagioclase and garnet-biotite thermometry. In this respect, the deposits are similar to other well documented syn-amphibolite facies lode gold deposits from the Archaean Southern Cross greenstone belt in the Yilgarn Block, and represent the deeper section of a crustal continuum of lode gold deposits that includes mesothermal deposits such as those at Kalgoorlie at higher crustal levels.
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