Transcriptional regulation of neonatal neural stem cells is a determinant of social behavior

Autor: Takahira Yamauchi, Masako Nagashima, Seiji Abe, Gina Kang, Shuken Boku, Takeshi Hiramoto, Kenji Tanigaki, Pilib Ó Broin, Grigori Enikolopov, Tatyana V. Michurina, Kenny Ye, Mariel Barbachan e Silva, Noboru Hiroi
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Rare gene variants confer a high level of penetrance to neurodevelopmental disorders, but their developmental origin and cellular substrates remain poorly understood. To address this limitation, we explored the role of TBX1, a gene encoded in a rare copy number variant, in cell and mouse models. Here, we report that neonatal Tbx1 deficiency contributes to defective peripubertal social behavior and impairs the proliferation of neonatal neural stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, TBX1 transcriptionally regulates genes linked to post-embryonic neurogenesis and neurodevelopmental disorders associated with other rare gene variants. Our data indicate a precise time window and cell type through which the social dimension is altered by a gene encoded in a rare CNV and provide a potential common mechanistic basis for a group of neurodevelopmental disorders.One-Sentence SummaryTbx1, a gene affecting neonatal stem cell proliferation, influences peripubertal social behavior.
Databáze: OpenAIRE