Determinants of Dietary Diversity and Nutritional status of Women and Children in India

Autor: Hanumant Waghmare, Jitendra Gupt, Archana Kujur
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Background: This study aims to understand the relationship between dietary diversity and nutritional status through the lenses of nutritional policies among women in reproductive age and children under age five in India.Method: Demographic and Health Survey data collected in year 2015-16 is used for Analysis in the aspects of current and past efforts taken at programme and policy level to improve nutritional and anaemia status among women and children. Further we review some of the critical interventions in nutrition and draws out several issues that have bearing on these policies' future evolution. Through the study we explore the statistical associations between nutritional status and nutritional policy in India.Result: The findings show that the evolution of nutrition policies and the programme has a slow but have positive impact on anaemia among women and children under age five in India. The study finds declining trend in prevalence of anaemia among women and children from 55.4 percent and 77.1 percent in 1990 to 51.4 percent and 57.3 percent in 2016 respectively. The dietary consumption shows that 37 percent women consume milk, further result shows that diet of children increase in fourth and fifth year. Mothers education shows inverse relation with malnutrition, with education sever and stunted percentage decreases. BMI among women, shows highest prevalence of underweight in early age 15-19 (41%), of normal in age 20-24 (62%), of overweight in older age 45-49 (25%) and of obese (10%) too. The nutritional status of women and children is better in urban areas as compared to rural areas. Conclusion: To deal with the diverse culture, food practices and improve the nutritional status of women and children government has introduced multiple policies and program but high level of anaemia among the women and children still exists. This result shows that government needs to take up a more approaches to this problem for effectively improving it.
Databáze: OpenAIRE