Post-exertion malaise in chronic fatigue syndrome: symptoms and gene expression

Autor: Sanjay K. Shukla, Aaron J. Stegner, Jacob D. Meyer, Steven H. Yale, Dane B. Cook, Alan R. Light, Derek Clevidence
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. 1:190-209
ISSN: 2164-1862
Popis: Background: A primary complaint of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients is post-exertion malaise, which is a worsening of symptoms following activities such as exercise. Purpose: To examine the link between gene expression for metabolite, adrenergic, immune, and glucocorticoid receptors on leukocytes and symptoms (pain, fatigue, and mood) following a maximal exercise test. Methods: Thirteen CFS patients and 11 healthy participants matched on age and fitness underwent blood draws and completed questionnaires immediately before, and 15 minutes, 48 hours, and 72 hours following, maximal exercise. Symptom and genetic measures collected before and after exercise were compared using a doubly multivariate repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results: This comparison of CFS and healthy participants resulted in a significant multivariate main effect for Group (p
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