Additional file 8: Figure S5. of Human germ/stem cell-specific gene TEX19 influences cancer cell proliferation and cancer prognosis

Autor: Planells-Palop, Vicente, Hazazi, Ali, Feichtinger, Julia, Jezkova, Jana, Thallinger, Gerhard, Naif Alsiwiehri, Mikhlid Almutairi, Parry, Lee, Wakeman, Jane, McFarlane, Ramsay
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3757010_d10
Popis: TEX19 regulates 80 protein coding gene transcripts in cancer cells: a Heat map showing the pattern of changes in protein coding transcripts in SW480 cells depleted for TEX19 mRNA. b List showing all the significant (P ≤ 0.05) log2 fold changes of protein coding transcripts in SW480 following depletion of TEX19 mRNA. Red bars indicate a reduction in transcripts; blue bar indicates an increase in transcripts. TEX19 is indicated in bold. ‘Inf’ represents infinite (positive Inf values indicate that genes were switched on from a previously undetectable state, whereas negative Inf values indicate that a given gene is switched to a state where no transcripts are detectable following siRNA treatment, but were prior to treatment). (PPTX 170 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE