Propeller Modulation Analysis of 4-Blade, 4-Engine Aircraft in FM-band Multistatic Passive Radar

Autor: Craig Tong, Jacques E. Cilliers, F.D.V. Maasdorp
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR).
Popis: This paper furthers the investigation into modulation effects of propeller-powered aircraft on signals sensed by multistatic FM-band passive radar sensors. Previous results have demonstrated that a passive radar system consisting of a single bistatic transmitter/receiver pair is able to detect and measure the modulation effects of a twin-blade, single-propeller aircraft [1], [2]. We now present supplementary results for a 4-blade, 4-engine aircraft in a single transmitter and geographically separated, dual-receiver multistatic radar system [3], again exploiting illuminators of opportunity in the commercial FM-broadcast band.
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