Massive gas insufflation without effect on esophageal reflectometry profiles

Autor: David T. Raphael, Maxim Benbassat, Dimiter Arnaudov
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 114:2415-2415
ISSN: 0001-4966
Popis: Time–domain acoustic reflectometry generates a ‘‘one‐dimensional’’ image of the interior of a cavity in the form of an area–distance profile. After patient intubation with a breathing tube, the characteristic reflectometry profile consists of a constant‐area segment corresponding to the length of the tube, followed either by a rapid increase in the area beyond the carina (lung) or by a sudden decrease in the area to zero (esophagus). In the cardiac arrest setting, during mistaken placement of the breathing tube into the esophagus, followed by aggressive manual ventilation, is it possible to markedly distend the esophagus, such that the esophageal profile looks like a tracheal profile? With approval of the USC IUCAC Committee, an animal study was conducted with anesthetized, tracheally intubated, and mechanically ventilated dogs. With a separate breathing tube in the esophagus, aggressive esophageal ventilation (comparable to that seen in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation setting) was accomplished with a manual resuscitation bag. A Benson Hood Labs two‐microphone reflectometer was used to obtain esophageal profiles with and without the above ventilation. In this pilot study, there was no significant esophageal distention as a result of the above ventilation. [Research supported by the Alfred E. Mann Institute.]
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