Solution growth of high quality P-Type β-FeSi2 single crystals using Zn-solvent

Autor: Hiroyuki Tajima, Haruhiko Udono, Yuta Aoki, Isao Kikuma, Isao J. Ohsugi
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of Crystal Growth. 275:e2003-e2007
ISSN: 0022-0248
Popis: We have grown high-quality β-FeSi 2 single crystals by the temperature gradient solution growth (TGSG) method using Fe 2 Si 5 solute and Zn solvent. The grown crystals were polyhedral and typical size was (2–4)×(1–3)×(1–2) mm 3 for the growth period of 336 h. The FWHM of the X-ray rocking curve at β-FeSi 2 800 diffraction was 63 arcsec. Hall measurements revealed that the crystals showed a p-type conductivity. The hole concentration and Hall mobility at room temperature were (2–3)×10 17 cm −3 and 20–50 cm 2 /Vs, respectively. We also measured the solubility of Fe 2 Si 5 solute in Zn solvent. The solubility was about 2 wt% at 880 °C, which is about two times higher than that of FeSi 2 in Zn solvent.
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