Wind-Aided Firespread across Arrays of Discrete Fuel Elements. I. Theory

Autor: M. F. wolff, George F. Carrier, Francis E. Fendell
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Combustion Science and Technology. 75:31-51
ISSN: 1563-521X
Popis: The propagation for spread rate lrofwind-aided firespreadacross an array of very-small-diarne-ter, discrete fuel elements is sought, as a step toward the objective of predicting the advance in time of a firefront through either strewn debris in a heavily-blast-damaged scenario or through brush-and-grass-type wildlands. Here, the quasisteady rate (if one exists) is sought for conditions under which there is both (1) a wind whose mean speed U is constant and whose direction is constant, and (2) a horizontal bed with a macroscopically uniform fuel distribution m. More precisely, m is the mass of fuel (per unit planform area of the bed) consumed with firefront passage; here the fuel elements are thin. so that, for conditions under which fire propagates at all, the fuel consumed is identical with the fuel loading initially present. In accord with laboratory-scale experiments in a specially dedicated firetunnel, to be reported separately, analysis suggests thai I'r varies with (U/m)1/2 over a wide (but obviousl...
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