The generation and development of road rage incidents caused by aberrant overtaking: An analysis of cases in China

Autor: Yan Wang, Qun Chen, Zhongyi Peng
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 60:606-619
ISSN: 1369-8478
Popis: Based on 32 cases that occurred in China, this paper analyzes the generation and development of road rage incidents caused by aberrant overtaking. Those cases caused by aberrant overtaking can be categorized into five development modes: harmful behavior caused by verbal abuse or discourteous acts (for example, honking or blocking); struggles caused by verbal abuse and disputes; repeated overtaking and cutting off the other car followed by a dispute or struggle; extreme irritation leading to immediate harm; and being forbearing and conciliatory in the face of provocation from others. The factors influencing the generation and development of the modes of each incident and the resulting injuries are analyzed. Moreover, controllable factors and strategies that can be used to prevent such incidents are discussed. Most of the offenders are males, and females are usually victims of the incidents. Additionally, most of the incidents develop through the exchange of verbal abuse. Road rage caused by aberrant overtaking is a momentary incident and does not last long; therefore, injury can be avoided if drivers can keep calm and be forbearing and conciliatory when confronting provocation from others.
Databáze: OpenAIRE