Impact of Front Line Demonstration on Yield and Economics of Pigeonpea Variety (BDN 711) in Beed District of Maharashtra, India

Autor: H. S. Garud, B. B. Gaikwad, T. B. Surpam, K. L. Jagtap, D. C. Patgaonkar
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 11:192-195
ISSN: 2319-7706
DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2022.1110.023
Popis: The frontline demonstrations on BDN 711 variety of pigeonpea were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khamgaon of Beed District, Maharashtra State. Frontline demonstration of pigeonpea variety BDN 711 were conducted during 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 on 20 ha area in 50 number of demonstration each year. Pigeonpea variety BDN 711 which is released by Vasantarao Naik Marathada Krishi Vidyapeeth which is resistant to wilt, drought tolerant and suitable for medium type of soil. Improved cultivation practices were demonstrated in farmer’s field for three consecutive years. The result of the demonstrations showed higher yields compared to farmers practices followed for pigeonpea cultivation. The average increased per cent seed yield is 31.11 over the years from frontline demonstrations compared to check plots. However, during the year 2021-22, the per cent increase in seed yield was 44.00. The huge variation in farmers practices adopted in the cluster villages. The other parameters like extension gap, technological gap and technology index were derived for assessment of technology adoption rate. The average technology gap and technology index were 540 and 25.74 per cent, respectively. The improved technology recorded higher average seed yield 1660 kg/ha. over farmers practice 1267 kg/ha. The improved technology gave higher average gross return (97967 Rs./ha.) average net return (70633 Rs./ha.) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.43) as compared to farmers practices. The results clearly indicated that the beneficial impact of front line demonstrations over the farmers practices towards enhancing the productivity of pigeonpea cultivation under rainfed condition in Beed district of Maharashtra state, India. Demonstrated technologies proved more remunerative and economically feasible compared to farmers traditional practices in pigeonpea cultivation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE