Implementing project-based and experiential learning in the Aerospace Engineering program at Concordia University

Autor: Susan Liscouet-Hanke, Andrea Cartile, Catharine Marsden
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).
ISSN: 2371-5243
DOI: 10.24908/pceea.v0i0.13063
Popis: Experiential learning can be defined as“learning from experience or learning by doing”. Theeffectiveness of the experiential learning techniquedepends on both the design and the implementation of the experience. The learning experience must be carefully designed so that students do not learn by rote but rather are obliged to self-teach, discover, and use engineering judgement to arrive at conclusions. Student interest and their perception of the project as being authentic and representative of the “real-world” is important for engagement. In this paper, the authors discuss the development and implementation of experiential and project-based learning in the new undergraduate aerospace engineering program at Concordia University.The paper describes a unique series of experientiallearning experiences that have been implemented in thefirst, third, and final years of the program. Two of theauthors are former aerospace industry design engineers,and a unique feature of the program is a blend of fieldbased experience and classroom-based learning made possible by collaborations with industrial partners and organizations external to the university
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