Structure formation in A.M. processes of Titanium and Ni-base alloys

Autor: S.V. Skvortsova, M.B. Novikova, G.A. Turichin, I.S. Polkin
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Advantages of powder technology over conventional ones are considered in the chapter. It is shown that additive technologies are the further development allowing solution of the problem of the economic efficiency of the technological processes to produce parts by powder technology. A comparison is made between the structures of powders of various sizes; it is shown how the structure of powders and products obtained by the direct deposition and the laser melting is changed. It is also demonstrated that the metal structure in specimens is weakly dependent on the initial size of powders and is determined by the temperature-time effect on the powder during its consolidation. The used conditions of heat treatment made it possible to obtain more homogeneous properties and structure, which depend significantly on the direction of layers deposited during buildup of the part. The use of the direct deposition and laser sintering methods can result in obtaining similar properties, while coarser powders can be used in case of the direct deposition process due to the technological features of this process.
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