Phanoperla namcattien Cao & Bae, sp. nov

Autor: Cao, Thi Kim Thu, Bae, Yeon Jae
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6213276
Popis: Phanoperla namcattien Cao & Bae, sp. nov. (Figs. 1–8) Diagnosis. The male adult of P. namcattien is characterized by the presence of narrow, finger-like anterior processes of the hemiterga (Figs. 4, 5), by the presence of three patches of sensilla basiconica on the anterior edge of the 9 th abdominal tergum (Figs. 4, 5), and by the shape of the aedeagus that possesses a complete ring of short spinules on the conical end and fields of long, sharp spinules on the subapical, lateral surfaces (Figs. 6–8). The female adult is characterized by the unproduced subgenital plate, relatively long vagina, balloon-like spermatheca, and relatively long and slender spermathecal stalk (Figs. 2, 3). Male. Body length 7.2 mm; forewings 7.0 mm; hindwings 6.3 mm. General body color yellowish brown. Head (Fig. 1) yellowish brown, as wide as pronotum (head width: 1.3 mm), without distinct marking. Ocelli two, normal in size; ocellar rings black; distance between ocelli ca. 0.5 x distance from ocellus to inner margin of compound eye. Pronotum (Fig. 1) ca. 2.0 x wider than long, with irregular brownish rugosities; corners round. Wing membrane clear; Rs with simple fork. Abdominal sterna V–VII with setal brushes medially; brushes more pronounced on sternum VII. Abdominal tergum IX (Figs. 4, 5) depressed medially, with two submedian and one median patches of sensilla basiconica. Hemiterga simple, modified from abdominal tergum X; each hemitergum weakly sclerotized; anterior process finger-like, slender, moderately curved outward; proximal part with several sensilla basiconica. Aedeagus tube (Figs. 6–8) slender, membranous, ca. 0.5 mm long; everted sac (Figs. 6, 7) curved ventrally, with a complete ring of short spinules on conical end, with fields of long, sharp spinules on subapical, lateral surfaces; everted sac of aedeagus in dorsal view (Fig. 8) with large rhomboid dark brown sclerite, with fields of minute spinules laterally. Female. Body length 7.5 mm; forewings 8.0 mm; hindwings 7.0 mm. General body color pale brown; general body shape and color similar to male but somewhat larger than male. Subgenital plate on abdominal sternum VIII (Fig. 2) unproduced. Vagina (Fig. 3) membranous, longer than wide, without distinct marking. Spermatheca balloon-like; spermathecal stalk relatively long and slender. Nymph. Unknown. Type material. Holotype: Male adult (SWU–PLE– 187), Nam Cat Tien National Park, Dong Nai Province, southern Vietnam, 7.viii. 2005, Thi Kim Thu Cao [SWU–AIC]. Paratypes: 8 male adults & 2 female adults (SWU–PLE– 183), same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific epithet, namcattien (noun), is based on the type locality (Nam Cat Tien National Park) of this species. Remarks. The general aedeagus shape of P. namcattien resembles that of P. m a l a y a n a Zwick (in Zwick 1982), but the armature on the aedeagus of these two species is distinguishable as demonstrated in the key, below. The long, slender, terminally-curved aedeagus tube is a common characteristic of the pallipennis -group (Zwick 1982). The examined females contained no eggs. Distribution. Southern Vietnam.
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