Autor: I Kaliolia, E Panagiotaki, M Tzilianos, C Georgalidis, A Lachanas, G Karaliotas, N Delaportas, A Katsarou, E Klonou, Efstathios Koulouridis, A Krokida, I Costimba
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: International Urology and Nephrology. 33:207-215
ISSN: 0301-1623
DOI: 10.1023/a:1015254315839
Popis: Background: Mild to moderatehyperhomocysteinemia is very common amongpatients undergoing haemodialysis. There issufficient evidence that hyperhomocysteinemiais an independent risk factor forcardiovascular and or atheromatous disease inend stage renal failure patients. Vitaminsupplementation such as vitamin B6, B12 orfolate has been proposed to correct thismetabolic disturbance and it is to be proved ifthis intervention benefit these patients, butthere is no agreement whether oral folatesupplementation is capable to normalizehomocysteine levels in end stage renal failurepatients.Methods: In 53 patients, undergoinghaemodialysis, homocysteine levels (Hcy),folate, vitamin B12, ferritin and C-reactiveprotein (CRP) were estimated before and afterdialysis, without folate supplementation.Thirty voluntary blood donors were used ascontrols to compare homocysteine levels. Afterfour weeks of oral folate supplementation(10 mg/24 hours) the levels of homocysteine,serum folate and intra-erythrocyte folate wereestimated again. Eighteen months later thesurvival rate of our patients was recorded andanalyzed in relation to Hcy and CRP levels.Results: The results showed thathaemodialysis patients exhibited, almost,fourfold higher homocysteine levels thancontrols (27.39 ± 11.54 vs 7.38 ± 3.5, t = −8.2, p = 0.000000). Folate levels, vitamin B12 and CRP increase significantly afterhaemodialysis where as homocysteine levelsdecrease (Hcy1 vs. Hcy2: z = 2.08, p = 0.03).Fourteen (14) patients suffered from coronaryheart disease (CHD) and they exhibited thehigher levels of homocysteine (Hcy1 vs. CHD: z =−3.4, p = 0.0006). All estimations performedrevealed a negative correlation betweenhomocysteine levels and plasma orintra-erythrocyte folate. No other variableexhibited any significant influence uponhomocysteine levels. After folatesupplementation homocysteine levels in thewhole number of patients were unchanged(Hcy(before) vs. Hcy(after): 27.39 ± 11.54vs. 26.95 ± 8.22, z = 0.3, p = 0.7, NS). Whenpatients with homocysteine levels higher than24 µmol/L were selected, a significantdecrease was observed (34.77 ± 9.32 vs.30.0 ± 8.05, z = 2.09, p = 0.02). Forty-twopatients were treated with erythropoietin fortheir anemia and we found a positivecorrelation between C-reactive protein levelsand rhu-Epo dose (CRP vs. Epo: r = 0.45,p = 0.002). Homocysteine levels did not exhibitany significant influence upon short-termsurvival (U = −0.37, p = 0.3, NS) where as CRPlevels exhibit a significant influence uponshort-term survival (U = 2.15, p = 0.005).Conclusions: Homocysteine levels inhaemodialysis patients are fourfold higher thanhealthy controls. Folate, vitamin B12 and CRPincrease significantly after dialysis. Patientswith coronary heart disease exhibit the highestlevels of homocysteine. The homocysteine levelsare inversely related with the folate levels.The exogenous folate supplementation increasethe serum folate levels but decreaseshomocysteine only in patients with higher thanmild hyperhomocysteinemia. Hcy doesn't exertany significant effect upon the short-termsurvival of the haemodialysis patients but CRPlevel is a god predictor of the short-termsurvival of these patients.
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