Berliner Wagenburgen: Transformation peripherer Räume, Stigmatisierung sozialer Gruppen und die Abwehr von Marginalisierung

Autor: Dominik Veith, Jens Sambale
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft. 28:67-93
ISSN: 2700-0311
DOI: 10.32387/prokla.v28i110.857
Popis: This article focuses on the transformation of peripheral spaces in Berlin and the stigmatization of collective living arrangements within this process. The marginalization of the Berlin inner-city laagers (Wagenburgen) and the strategies and tactics they employ to confront this hegemonic project shed a light upon the complex set of relations between spaces, identities and resistance in the process of urbanization. A second topic is the formation of NIMBYism in Berlin in the process of suburbanization. The tensions arising between the inner-city and suburbanites articulate a new set of conflicts in Berlin politics. Regulating inner-city contradictions on the suburban fringe is history. The conflict concerning the (relocation of) laagers serves as just one example - but the most advanced for the time being.
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