Discharging dynamics of topological batteries

Autor: Patil, Vishal P., Kos, ��iga, Ravnik, Miha, Dunkel, J��rn
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2002.11822
Popis: Topological constraints have long been known to provide efficient mechanisms for localizing and storing energy across a range of length scales, from knots in DNA to turbulent plasmas. Despite recent theoretical and experimental progress on the preparation of topological states, the role of topology in the discharging dynamics is not well understood. Here, we investigate robust topological energy release protocols in two archetypal soft systems through simulations of 238 knotted elastic fibers and 3D liquid crystals across a range of different topologies. By breaking the elastic fiber or switching the liquid crystal surface anchoring, such topological batteries can perform mechanical work or drive fluid flows. Our study reveals topologically resonant states for which energy release becomes superslow or superfast. Owing to their intrinsic stability we expect such tunable topological batteries to have broad applications to storage and directed release of energy in soft matter.
8 pages, 5 figures; references added, discussion extended
Databáze: OpenAIRE