Action of Pentamethylenetetrazol (Metrazol) and Insulin on Brain Potentials of the Rabbit

Autor: D. P. C. Lloyd, G. Edward Hall, J. E. Goodwin
Rok vydání: 1938
Zdroj: Experimental Biology and Medicine. 38:897-899
ISSN: 1535-3699
DOI: 10.3181/00379727-38-10056
Popis: The use of pentamethylene tetrazol (metrazol) and insulin shock therapy in schizophrenia has prompted several investigations in this laboratory upon the actions of these agents given in convulsive doses. This report deals with some of these actions upon the potentials recorded from the intact rabbit cortex.Recordings have been made with electrodes of the type described by Rheinberger and Jasper1 placed symmetrically on the precentral and striate areas of the rabbit. Potentials were led through condenser coupled amplifiers to moving coil oscillographs. Other records were made with paired silver tube electrodes (Adrian)2 following trephination. Curare and artificial respiration have been used in experiments with metrazol to obviate the gross movement artefacts, but with insulin, the use of curare has been found impractical, due to its hyperglycemic action, which prevented the occurrence of convulsions in all our earlier experiments.Metrazol. Fig. 1 shows a continuous record of the average metrazol convulsio...
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