The variability of pulmonary gas exchange and respiratory pattern

Autor: O. V. Grishin, Yu. V. Kovalenko, V. G. Grishin
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Human Physiology. 38:194-199
ISSN: 1608-3164
Popis: Very-low-frequency (VLF) fluctuations, whose nature is probably determined by rhythms of energy processes, are known to determine the variability of respiratory and heart rates. It is still unclear to which type of wave processes (chaotic or regular) these rhythm patterns belong. The goal of this study was to investigate the rhythms of pulmonary gas exchange and the variability of the respiratory pattern, as well as to find their possible relation. To analyze the variability of ventilation indices in the VLF band, pneumograms were recorded for 30 min and then the pulmonary gas exchange indices (Ve, pulmonary ventilation; \(V_{O_2 }\), oxygen consumption; \(V_{CO_2 }\), carbon dioxide release) were recorded for 30 min using the breath-by-breath method in ten healthy subjects. Spectral analysis carried out using the fast Fourier transform revealed two groups of major peaks: the first one was in the range from 0.2 to 0.3 Hz (the time interval of 3–5 s), which was in good agreement with the respiratory rate varied from 12 to 20 per min in tested subjects; the second was from 0.002 to 0.0075 Hz, which corresponded to the VLF band. The data make it possible to draw a conclusion about the stability of the wave processes found. Apparently, the slow-wave pattern of the pulmonary gas exchange indices belongs to the quasi-periodic oscillation type, reflecting synchronization of oscillators with incommensurable frequencies when the two-frequency pattern dominates. The first oscillator is the chemoreceptor mechanism of the regulation of ventilation, the nature of the second one is still unclear. Taking into consideration that \(V_{O_2 }\) and \(V_{CO_2 }\) depend on energy demand, one can suppose that energy processes form (an)other oscillator(s) of periodic processes.
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