Source Water Protection: 90 Years of Advancements in Policy and Practice

Autor: Erik Loboschefsky, Steve Burgos, Keane Sommers, Perri Standish-Lee
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal - American Water Works Association. 96:90-92
ISSN: 0003-150X
Popis: 1970 The US Environmental 1972 1973 Donald J. Ptak et al .... .... Protection Agency r 0 rn report the distressing .... W. Leslie .... Harris fIJSEPA) is rreatpri r Ernest Cedroni declares 0 Gunther F. rn Craun and nrrMrrPnrpnf achieves a filtration the day of the masterLeland J. McCabe call Klebsiella in a rate of 1 0 gpm/sq ft at mechanic utility for standards for „ , n «. r J n . u . . , . , chlorinated „ , water n Contra «. Costa, r Calif. n manager 3 to . be u over. chemicals . . , in drinking . , 3 . 3 3 supply. . water.
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