Multicomponent polymers synthesized by free-radical processes

Autor: G. C. Eastmond
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Pure and Applied Chemistry. 53:657-671
ISSN: 1365-3075
DOI: 10.1351/pac198153030657
Popis: This paper describes the requirements for freeradical reactions to be used in the synthesis of multicomponent polymers of known structure. The principles of controlling the structures of graft-type copolymers (nonlinear block copolymers) are reviewed in terms of results obtaIned with one type of initiating system. Selected data on morphologies and properties of polymers produced according to the guide-lines laid down are presented to illustrate types of material which are available by this route but not by other synthetic procedures. A new procedure which permits more detailed characterization of the polymers and provides a technique for studying the kinetics of graft polymerization is outlined.
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