Status enhancement study of Fish Landing Base of Labuhanhaji become the national fishing port

Autor: T. H. Iqbal, A W Perdana, E. Hendrami, M. A. Chaliluddin, R. M. Aprilla, I. Rusdy, Thaib Rizwan
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 348:012120
ISSN: 1755-1315
Popis: This study aimed to review the status enhancement of Fish Landing Base (PPI) of Labuhanhaji. This study had been done from April until Mei 2018 in PPI Labuhanhaji, Aceh Selatan. The data were collected through interviewing to fishermen, the fish seller in PPI Labuhaji, and stakeholder of Marine and fisheries department in Aceh Selatan. The status enhancement was analyzed by comparative descriptive analysis, which was comparing the current operational technical activities in Labuhanhaji Fish Landing Base (PPI) with the operational technical criteria of Nusantara Fisheries Port (PPN) based on the Minister regulation of Maritime and Fisheries minister Number PER.08/MEN/2012 concerning about Fisheries Port. The study result showed that Labuhanhaji Fish Landing Base (PPI) not yet fulfilling the criteria for status enhancement, from the 8 criteria established under the minister regulation Number PER.08/MEN/2012 Labuhanhaji Fish Landing Base (PPI) had only fulfilled 6 criteria. 2 more criteria about fishing catch (production) should 30 tons per day and fisheries port land should ≤ 10 ha can not be fulfilled by Labuhanhaji Fish Landing Base (PPI) because maximum fishing catch (production) PPI Labuhanhaji less 30 tons per day (only 20 tons per day) and fisheries port land only 3 ha.
Databáze: OpenAIRE