Out, out, brief candle! Oxidative stress response and life-span Migliaccio E, Giorgio M, Mele Set al.Nature1999;402: 309–313

Autor: P.A. Riley
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Redox Report. 5:3-5
ISSN: 1743-2928
Popis: We inhabit a universe in which entropy increases and we are used to the notion of ageing represented by time-dependent deterioration. In biological systems, the most significant expression of this deterioration is cellular senescence and the degenerative conditions associated with this process. Cellular senescence, resulting from the loss of order of structural components, of which DNA is arguably the most crucial, is offset only by selection. In metazoa (and metaphyta) the limitations imposed on competition ineluctably lead to deterioration in cellular function as the impact of environmental and endogenous factors cause disturbances in the genome and, for a considerable time, we have been accustomed to the idea that at least part of this consists of various manifestations of oxidative stress. In this connection, there is an extensive literature that purports to demonstrate a correlation between metabolic rate and life span.1–3 Seen in this context, the cellular defences, including systems that e...
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