Design and manufacture of a 6‐T wiggler magnet for the Daresbury SRS

Autor: Kevin C. Smith, J.S.H. Ross
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments. 63:309-312
ISSN: 1089-7623
Popis: The 6‐T wiggler is an iron‐cored, warm bore, superconducting dipole magnet destined for the SERC Daresbury Laboratory’s 2‐GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source to enhance the available radiation spectrum. The new wiggler will be inserted in the ring in addition to an existing 5‐T wiggler, both of which will use the existing, although upgraded, refrigerator. The magnet is designed to provide a peak field of 6 T on the beam line. The design and manufacturing contract for this magnet was started in September 1989 and was preceded by a feasibility study, presented by Oxford Instruments in mid 1988. The major features of the magnet, along with a discussion of the early stages of manufacture, are described in the article.
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