Cryptolarynx luteipennis Haran & Marvaldi & Benoit & Oberlander & Stals & Oberprieler 2023, sp. nov

Autor: Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan, Oberprieler, Rolf G.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8113767
Popis: 23. Cryptolarynx luteipennis Haran sp. nov. EF56A88D-DBE8-4B40-8627-DF0E55A8E965 Figs 1W, 2W, 3W, 4W, 5W Differential diagnosis This species is most similar to C. san sp. nov.; see Differential diagnosis section under that species for diagnostic characters and genetic distances. Etymology The species name luteipennis refers to the orange or yellowish shades on elytra on many specimens of this species. These colours are seemingly unique to this species and provide an efficient camouflage of adults on the pinkish-orange sand on which they were found near Graafwater. The specific epithet is an adjective in the masculine form. Material examined Holotype REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • ♂; “REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. Western Cape Province, Graafwater [7 km N]. 26.vii.2019. J. Haran leg.” “ 32.091° S 18.590° E, at base of Oxalis spp. JHAR02468_0101. Cirad-CBGP coll.” “Holotype. Cryptolarynx luteipennis. Haran 2023”; SAMC. Paratypes REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Western Cape • 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 13 specs; same collection data as for holotype; CBGP • 1 ♂, 9 specs; same collection data as for holotype; JHAR02471; CBGP • 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Velddrif 13 km E, Doornfontein Farm; 32.800° S, 18.300° E; 31 Aug. 1981; S. Endrödy-Younga leg.; pitfall traps 59 days baited with banana; yellowish sands; E-Y:1871; TMSA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; SANC • 1 ♂; Redelinghuys 20 km SW, Saamstaan Farm; 32.583° S, 18.367° E; 30 Aug. 1981; S. Endrödy-Younga leg.; pitfall traps 60 days baited with faeces; vegetated white dunes behind coastal dunes; E-Y:1866; TMSA • 1 ♂; Velddrif 3 km E; 32.767° S, 18.233° E; 31 Aug. 1981; S. Endrödy-Younga leg.; pitfall traps 59 days baited with banana; densely vegetated reddish sand; E-Y:1870; TMSA. Description (♂) MEASUREMENTS. Body length 1.8–2.6 mm. COLOUR AND VESTITURE. Body integument black, antennae, tibiae and tarsi reddish. Dorsal vestiture (pronotum + elytra) consisting of overlapping, recumbent, parallel-sided clothing scales, 1.5–2× as long as wide, truncate at apex; colour of scales black, dark brown to pale brown and yellow or orange; darkest scales forming medial longitudinal stripe over pronotum and on basal ⅔ of elytral interstriae 1–3; paler scales concentrated laterally on pronotum and on elytra from interstriae 4 laterad; white scales forming a pair of pale spots on elytral interstriae 2–3 at apical ¾ of elytral length; scales of striae recumbent, in lateral view not distinct from rest of vestiture. HEAD. Forehead wide, slightly wider than epifrons near antennal insertions, scales suberect, almost concealing integument. Eyes strongly convex, in dorsal view distinctly exceeding outline of head, surrounded by a ring of short scales, on forehead directed towards occiput; distance between eye and scrobe smaller than width of antennal club. Epifrons with distance between antennal insertions 0.33× length of scape, scales at least 2× as long as wide in middle, recumbent, non-contiguous. Frons with 3 pairs of erect lateral setae. Epistome without median seta. Antennal funicles with segment 1 elongate, 2× as long as wide; 2 slightly shorter than 1; 2 and 4 compressed, slightly angular on inside; 5–6 globular, isodiametric; 7 wider than long. PRONOTUM. Transverse (W:L ratio 1.45), widest near midlength, sides arcuate; apex slightly narrower than base. ELYTRA. Globular, slightly wider than long (W:L ratio 1.1), sides convex, widest near midlength. LEGS. Tibiae with apical mucro; protibiae with outer margin straight, inner margin bisinuate; metatibiae with inner setal fringe, setae shorter than segment 5 of metatarsus. Tarsi with segment 2 of protarsus transverse, of meso- and metatarsus isodiametric. ABDOMEN. Ventrites with creamy-white plumose scales not concealing integument, scales on ventrites 2–5 intermixed mostly medially with long suberect setae, bifid from midlength or at least at apex; ventrite 1 slightly concave medially, devoid of scales, impression covered with long setae, deeply divided from their bases; ventrite 5 devoid of scales, bearing only erect setae. TERMINALIA. Body of penis moderately elongate (W:L ratio 0.5), 0.66 × length of temones, sides convex; curvature in profile weak, more strongly downcurved near apex, not dorsoventrally narrowed at apex. Copulatory sclerite weakly sclerotised or not discerned in examined specimens. Parameroid lobes separate, divided by modest median notch, each lobe bearing a series of setae directed apicad and converging. Spiculum gastrale with basal arms moderately curved, bearing a tooth near midlength. Sexual dimorphism The sexes can be distinguished by the shape of ventrite 1 (convex with deeply divided setae in male, concave with undivided setae in female). Life history Adults of C. luteipennis sp. nov. were collected in the vicinity of stands of various species of Oxalis (including O. obtusa), but the exact host plant of the species has not been identified. All specimens were collected in July and August. Distribution The species occurs on the West Coast between Velddrif and the Clanwilliam area (Fig. 13).
Published as part of Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, pp. 1-89 in European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1) on pages 61-62, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2023.877.2151,
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