Variability in temperature-dependent germination in eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum)

Autor: S. E. Weaver, L. A. Hermanutz
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Botany. 69:1463-1470
ISSN: 0008-4026
Popis: The colonization potential of the northwardly migrating weed Solanum ptycanthum was evaluated by comparing germination profiles of southern agrestal populations with northern marginal populations sampled from both ruderal and agrestal habitats. Under laboratory conditions, the seed from five maternal families from each population was subjected to six light:dark temperature regimes from 18:8 to 40:30 °C and germination rate (time to 50% germination) and final percent germination were monitored. The base temperature and thermal time (degree-days) required for 50% germination were calculated. Seeds from southern agrestal populations germinated over a broader temperature range than northern agrestal populations but had similar rates of germination, base temperatures, and thermal times. At the northern range limit, ruderal populations germinated faster and had smaller thermal times than agrestal populations but had similar base temperatures. Delayed emergence in agrestal habitats may be a response to cultural practices. Seeds from northern populations were heavier than southern populations. Plasticity of germination response to temperature did not differ between populations. The observed levels of genetic variability in all germination parameters suggest that future range expansion would be possible. Key words: temperature-dependent germination, agrestal, ruderal, marginal populations, genetic variability, plasticity.
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